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1922_01_08 Conversations with the Master (Conversation with the Master) (Proletina)


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Готов превод Разговори с Учителя (Разговор с Учителя) - 8.1.1922-ИБ|НБ-409 / .: 8.1.1922-ИБ|НБ-409

Conversations with the Master (Conversation with the Master)

"Why don't the Jews slaughter chickens themselves?" - In the future, not only Jews, but no one will slaughter animals. Then, any guy who wants to get married will not carve anything not just chickens. His hands must be clean of murders or blood. You will say that the animal is a lower being, therefore, anyone can encroach on its life. - It's not like that. In my opinion, just as they pay homage to a dead person, they perform a funeral service for him, they bury him, so they should perform a funeral service for the slaughtered pig or lamb. There is no action in life that, up to four generations at most, does not give its counteraction. Know that if you commit a murder today, sooner or later, you will suffer its consequences. Whatever you do, do it not out of fear, but out of love. This is required by the Divine morality.

How is the Divine morality manifested? - Through the law of love. There is no other morality but love. -Why? - Because if you love, you will never do evil or crime to the one you love. Love excludes all evil and crime. - What love is being talked about? - For any. - From whatever source it stems from, if it is love, it does no harm. It can be limited; it may limit you, but it will never cause harm.

How about animal love? - And animals show love. And they have consciousness, albeit limited. Those who deal with animals must be lenient with them. As you study animals, you will understand how developed your feelings and abilities are. And plants have consciousness. This can only be understood by this one whose morality of love is developed. He will approach the plants like his younger brothers. And they will accept him as their guest.

"Should we cut down the forests?" - You should not. - Then how will we heat? - When people come to consciousness not to cut down forests, then they will use electricity not only for lighting, as today, but also for heating. When one speaks of Divine Morality, one must accept and apply it without any justification. How we will heat, where we will get building material from, we should not think about it. Apply this morality, and do not think. This will bring you its goods. Man does not live only once on the Earth. Therefore, whatever he makes today, it will bring him future good. The present life prepares the future conditions. Carry in your mind the idea of being friendly with the plants. Your thought will influence the thought of other people who will change their attitude towards plants. It is enough to go through the forest with the thought
of the trees to not be cut down so that others after you may perceive it.

A man enters the forest, with an ax in his hand, intending to cut down a tree, but when he perceives your thought, he stops in front of the tree and says to himself: I will not cut it down, and I will pass without it. Unsuspectingly, good people leave their good thoughts everywhere in the world. They keep like a guard. This is a law. Few know this law. The forests that you see outside of yourself also exist in man, in his organism. If you had the eyes of the clairvoyant, you would see in man the whole plant and animal kingdoms that you see outside of him. Therefore, when forests are cut down in nature, it also affects the forests in man. Violations and deforestation occur not only in Bulgaria but also around the world, especially in America. Hundreds of acres of forest are cut down there every year. However, this has a bad effect on them.Neurasthenia in humans is due to indiscriminate deforestation. Nowhere do people suffer from neurasthenia as much as in America. The cause of neurasthenia is also due to the indiscriminate extermination of animals. The Americans are already aware of this and prohibit the extermination of animals and deforestation by law. Vegetarianism is making its way to America en masse. The destructive feeling within the Bulgarian is highly developed. There is no tree, which he has not tried his ax on. Enter a forest and you will see how many trees have been chopped down by the Bulgarian's ax. However, he tries this chopping on himself as well. Whatever troubles come, they will always pass through Bulgaria and chop it. Anyone who can read will see what kind of history is written there.

Start with the new morality and keep the rule: What God has planted, man must not uproot. In the future, when his vision develops, man will see that there are such plants and animals in his body as in the external nature. Therefore, by studying the laws of the great sensible nature, he also studies himself. - Is it true that some people are dominated by such plants that determine their spiritual development? - That's right. There are plants that predominate in one person more than in another. And to this they attribute his high spiritual development. In some people, red predominates, in others - blue, yellow or green, etc. Each colour gives a specific character to the person. At the same time, the colour indicates the direction in which a person is moving - up, or down, right, or left. It is said that man is a thinking being.Since thought is a bearer of light, then man is light. It has created the living forms in the world. When the earthly light harmonises with the Divine, then man begins to shine. While on Earth, man is a transformer of the Divine light.

Why do we sometimes fail in our lives? - Because your work is becoming more complicated, while you do not have methods for diluting the dense matter. Someone complains that he can't weave. Knowing how to weave is a great art. You look at the loom, you think it's easy to weave. However, as you begin to align, you see that you cannot. Don't be discouraged, but start with the basics and gradually move on to the more complex ones. God has determined the program of each person. Therefore, everyone can fulfil this program. Another question is if you want to get out of your program. It requires special strength. Few can do that.

So when you wake up in the morning, say to yourself: I can fulfill everything that God has planned for me for the day. If you begin to doubt this or philosophise, you will stumble on your own. For example, God has commanded you to work today to grow a millimeter in height. You say: Can I grow so much? "It works, and don't doubt it." You will grow as you are destined. You should reach 1.60 m in height. You will work and add a little to your height every day . It is determined for a person what eyes to have, what nose, mouth, ears, and if he does not interfere in this plan, it will happen exactly as it is said. It is also determined what profession a person will perform. You have available not one but at least a hundred professions to you . It's up to you which one you choose. However, out of the hundred professions, you are not allowed to take another. A man dies, without having realised even a hundredth part of the program assigned to him. You are destined to become a scientist but you want to become a statesman. Why do you change your purpose? "I want to be like my friend." - This is an imitation. Do not imitate anyone, but fulfil your program. You were born to become a scientist. You will take the microscope and do research. You were born a poet. You will take the pen and execute the program given to you. Say to yourself: Everything that God has planned, I will fulfil. I will realise everything he has invested in me. I will use the conditions he has given me wisely. I will do what God says.You were born to be a scientist. You will take the microscope and do research. You were born a poet. You will take the pen and execute the program given to you. Say to yourself: I will fulfil everything that God has planned. I will realise everything He has invested in me. I will use wisely the conditions He has given me.

Many ask: Can I carry out the plan that God has drawn for me? - Such a question is not asked. One day before leaving for the other world you may ask yourself: Did I do what I was assigned? If you have not done everything, you will put it in your mind as a task of the future life. Man has come to the Earth to grow and develop and not to get sick and die. To be sick, poor, weak, this is the human programme. The programme that God has commanded is quite different. When a person enters this program, everything goes well. What would you say about that ox that leaves the forest and goes among the people. "Why is he leaving the forest?" - To learn something new from people. It will learn to plow their fields. In my opinion, the position of the ox in the forest is better than working for people. In the forest he is free, and in the yard of his master - limited.Such is the situation of the people. When they lose their freedom, they enter the society of the civilised, to prod them with a goad. You should not go beyond the Divine plan. Whoever comes out has a goad waiting for him. So has the Lord decided. If you do not want voluntarily, you will do God's will with a goad. There is no exception in this. The salvation of all is in the fulfilment of God's plan. Everyone has their own path. What gifts are not hidden in man! Despite that he strives for the civilisation. It does not contribute anything. Often are students taken to performances and let to read different novels. This is not a bad thing, but when they do not understand the truth, they try to imitate the main characters. Thus, they harm themselves. The young man says: Here is an opportunity to become a hero. The old man says: Ah, if I were young! - What will you do if you are young? You will do nonsense.And the author of the novel has hardly presented the facts as they really are. There are few writers who bring out the real life. You will say that the characters represent smart people. - Yes, smart people who play on rope.

A smart person is one who foresees what evil is about to happen to him and avoids it for at least ten years before that. You will say that the characters are brave, determined people. If they are brave and smart, this is one side, if they are brave and meaningless, this is another side. We need new writers, new novelists - to bring out the essentials in life. If the novelist takes his character from the lowest society, from the mud of life, and elevates him to the position of a real man, that character is a worthy example to follow. However, to take a man from high society as a hero and bring him down to the lowest rang of life, this hero will bring temptation among the young. New writers will come, they will give a new direction to human thought. What will I pass on to you if I only show my knowledge to you, without giving you conditions for acquiring this knowledge. It's like to give money at an interest. What will I gain from this? Not only does the moneylender not win but he loses more. Externally he wins something, but internally he loses. He who gives money at interest shortens his life. I have seen many such cases in my life. If you are a moneylender, you must become completely insensitive. He tries to fence himself, but his work does not end well. Usury is not a way to get rich. I have said jokingly: If you want to continue your life, borrow money. - Why is that? "Once you have to give, your creditor will beg for your life to be extended to pay off your debts." It is better to borrow money than lending. It is better to take away the evil of people and give them good. Therefore, do not lend evil. The Americans realised this and have created an excellent system in the relations. In America, people avoid causing a mischief to one another.Someone poor wants help from the rich. The latter says to him: Behold, I have a great house. I need an assistant. Come to me: you will light the stoves, you will sweep and, if you want, you can study. Many poor people graduate from university like this. Several students rent a house; form a student club. They do not hire outside staff, but accept poor students who work in the kitchen, clean and wash the hall, and who thus eat and study. Ten poor students can pass with their work among ten rich ones. In our country, many expect a ready-made. Therefore, work must be created for all.

How about those who are getting older? "Who's getting old?" No ageing is foreseen in the Divine Programme. If you get older, you are out of the circle of life. They will send you to the other world and in time you will come as a young man, ready for work. By "old" I mean a smart person. So, you can grow old, ie get smarter, but not become disabled. This is not provided for in God's programme. By fulfilling God's great plan, you will live and go to the other world. without being a burden to anyone.

Everyone is required to enter the new life, to immerse themselves in the new atmosphere. Imagine a society of 100-200 people, all sensible and noble people. It is enough for them to combine their spiritual and material capital to work miracles. Let's do the following calculation: we take a hundred people, each of whom is connected to another ten thousand. So, 10 thousand per hundred, makes one million. Do you know what a million people living in unison represent? Each of them is connected with another ten thousand of the astral world. So 1,000,000 X 10,000 = 10,000,000,000. Imagine a hundred people on the battlefield. Each of them has a back of one million soldiers. They have another back of ten thousand. As you can see, for each job one has the opportunity to make at least ten thousand attempts. If a person has ten thousand job opportunities, can you imagine what opportunities are hidden for ten thousand people? You say: What can a hundred people do? - If you are alone, little is expected of you, but if you are connected with another 10,000 people, this is a back you can count on. Even the strongest dam can be removed with the help of so many people. Knowing that you are not alone, do not be discouraged. One will chase ten thousand. "And two ones?" Both - these are the two principles. There are ten thousand more behind the second one.

The first thing: To make everyone aware that there is a great, powerful back behind us. The Lord is behind this back. No one can appeal for help directly to the Lord. You will go gradually from one hierarchy to another, until you finally reach the Lord, where everything happens instantly. Today's humanity has reached the limit where Christ is. He has taken up to help humanity do all its work. He works with the law of one million. That is why it is said in Scripture, "Thousands will serve to thousands." This shows that we have a back behind us and we can do everything with it. This is the meaning of life. If we live for ourselves only we will not leave anything on the Earth. If we live for the Lord, we will also work for the back of the head. He who lives for himself has not understood the meaning of life. He who understands the law of ten thousand and one million, can he go without fear to the farthest reaches of the world. One in ten thousand will welcome you, serve you, and recommend you to others. Wherever you go, at least one in ten thousand will meet you, you will not be left alone. You will be welcomed at the first station and you will be served. "When will that be?" - When you say to yourself: While I am in this circle, with all the possibilities and conditions that God has set me, I can do everything. If you doubt and say that there is nothing you can do, that no one cares about you, you will be left alone. Keep in mind the hundred, ten thousand and one million. The Great is in these numbers. Through them the Lord is manifested. I want you to have a desire to realize the Divine plan. Only in this way will you respect the Divine in man. There is no culture, no evolution, if you do not respect the Divine in man.

Let's sing the songs: "Bless, my soul, Lord" and "Dew drop". (All the brothers and sisters gathered around the Master in the small dining room of Opalchenska, sing with enthusiasm. It is a cold, snowy day. The windows are open. Outside, the brothers and sisters sitting in front of the windows, with bated breath, listen to the quiet but deep words of The Master. The Master continued. The psalmist says, "And the Lord will be your back guardian." And it is said of the future, "I will always see the Lord before my face." Therefore, when a man descends to the Earth, God is his back guardian while when he ascends, God is his front guardian. Nowadays man has descended so deep, in such a tunnel that, when he comes out of it, he will be cautious from getting there another time.This descent and ascent implies the processing of the material.Use the material without counteracting.Use the natural countermeasures and do not create artificial ones. In order not to make mistakes, stick to the law. Know that there are only gains on the path you are walking. The Truth is in this path.

Sing another song. (The conductor stuck his head out, set the tone for the outside and the inside ones, and everyone sang their favourite song, "I'll Rejoice." Despite that it's getting dark, it's cold outside, nobody thinks about going.)

The teacher continued: A good heart always implies an enlightened mind. However, the enlightened mind does not always imply a good heart. Every feeling is a quality of the time that established it. Which is better: To love you, or to love? Both when you love and when you are loved, you will always suffer 50%. You have a gem. You rejoice in it, you love it. At one point, the thought passes: whether this stone is not fake? Your heart is pounding. Then you calm down and say: It is not fake. What if it's fake? - Your heart beats again. Doubt creates suffering. However, it is inevitable. When you love, and when you are loved, you will always doubt. You doubt the gem, and the one who sold the stone doubts that the money is counterfeit. Doubt is the cause of the trembling of the human heart. There is no person whose heart has not trembled. If you are in the place of God, it is better to love; if you are in the place of a flower, it is better to be loved. Every day the dew and the light come to help it grow. These are letters that encourage it.

Can you love and be loved at the same time? - When you love, you are like God; when you are loved, you are like a flower. Much is required from the one who loves. God created the world because much is required of Him. When we talk about love, a pleasant, soft light surrounds us. When we talk about love on Earth, we are talking about selfish and selfless love. When we talk about God's Love, the word "self-interest" is excluded. God's Love is known only as love, as the light of life. Love can be presented in two living pictures, which it could only be said for: Come, see! Thus they did with Paul. They took him up to the third Heaven and said, "Look, and whatever you see is for you. And you will write for those who cannot see. If you enter the invisible world and doubt what you see, you will go through such suffering, which you have never experienced. You will descend to the bottom of hell, where the place of doubt is. Hell is not as terrible as the contradictions. However, they are inevitable in human evolution. As they descend to Earth, both the angel and the ox will go through controversy. Anyone who understands the law knows that controversy is in place and can easily deal with it. He who does not understand the law, puts the contradictions on his back and runs away with them. Knowing this, pass everything through your fire. Keep the gem to yourself. And when Christ found the precious pearl, He gave up everything earthly.

I will present you a romantic picture. A young, handsome young man desponded to life and fell into pessimism. His mother, father, and teacher admonish and show him the good side of life. However, life had no meaning for him and he decided to commit suicide. He went to the forest to look for a place to commit suicide, but a masked person approached him and whispered something to him. The boy stood up, looked up, smiled, and gave up his intention to kill himself. "Who is this person?" "His beloved." He thought she didn't love him. Being of high origin, she disguised herself so that they don't recognise her but she revealed herself to him - she whispered a few words of consolation to him. He immediately transformed, forgot his despair, and they both went back. (At that moment, the lights went out - the power went out. We sang the song "Love is a spring." This represented more dawn than dusk in the dim light of the candle, with the good song and in the intimate atmosphere ). Therefore, do not doubt your loved ones. Know that they will never leave you. And when Christ was on the cross, He said, "Lord, why have you forsaken me?" He had to pass through fire and when He passed His test, He said: "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit". After these words, Christ saw His beloved, Who raised Him on the third day. When one falls into sorrow and despair, one feels abandoned by one's beloved. This is not excluded. Everyone will be abandoned to gain some experience. This is not a sign that there is no love, but a necessity. In order for the higher love to manifest, it is necessary for your beloved to hide his face from you, to temporarily abandon you.

Where are our soulmates?" "They're hiding from you." If I had time, I would give you examples from the novels of great writers, in which the lives of soulmates is described. In order to give these examples, the writers have adopted the thoughts of a soul who has gone to the other world. These writers write under a dictation. As long as love is manifested, one is careful in one's relationship. When love descends into the astral world, shadows appear that cover it. As it descends into the physical world, love begins to limit. It puts man in limitation. While in the physical world, one will always put one's beloved in a cage. There will always be someone to put you in a cage. Sing the song "Wake up, dear brother."

-There is no Love like God's Love.

January 8, 3 p.m., 1922

Opalchenska Street, Sofia.

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