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1921_01_25 The Meek (Proletina)


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The Meek

"Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth."
Matthew 5: 3

The word "meek" is familiar to you, as is the word "earth." Christ says who will inherit the Earth - the meek. Modern cultured people have a superficial notion of the word "meekness." The modern language we humans speak has lost its meaning, that is, we speak without understanding. That we do not understand each other, that is that we do not understand our language and cannot get into each other's position, does not require great philosophy and great logic to be proved. Each of you can check. Every word has a meaning and this meaning is hidden in the compound letters of the word. You can turn a word into absolute numbers, into absolute values. When a chemist says H2O, this is the formula of water; and the very word "water" itself, is also a formula. How will you turn water into its constituent parts? You say that water consists of two elements - hydrogen and oxygen. However, water, at the same time, is a formula of life. I now ask: What are the elements of life? Here is a great philosophy we can dwell on.

I will dwell on the word "meekness" and will bring it into values: 10, 70, 50, 90 and 800: -10 +10 - absolute value, -90 - negative value and 800 - positive value. What did you understand now from this 10? Take the Bulgarian letter K (printed). You have a straight line that is drawn from top to bottom. This straight line indicates that the circle of life is divided. This is the diameter that runs from top to bottom through the centre of this circle. Therefore, it is meekness that separates one life from another. What life? - Evil from good. This line divides the circle in two. After that there is another line that comes from the top to the straight line and the other from that middle downwards. Then three 60 °angles are formed on this line that all added will give 180 °.

When we want to study the development of human life, this measure is the human spine.

To explain why exactly the meek will inherit the Earth. This line, which has formed the backbone of the snake, has merged with the face because there is no deviation. Therefore, the face of the snake is at the back, not the front. That is why, we say about famous people that they have a double face - one in front and one at the back - the face of the snake. This angle of the face in a dog that has already begun to develop, has begun to rise to 45 °, and it goes from back to front. Therefore, evolution goes from backwards - forwards. This angle in the elephant rises to 90 °, in humans - to 180 °, therefore, the face is parallel to the spine. Therefore, we say that two values added together are equal to the sum, so the sum of the anterior and posterior values of development is equal to 180 °, and therefore, the number 2 shows the movement of human life backwards - forwards, towards humanisation.

So, by the word "meekness" in this formula (the letter K) we mean a person who has passed from 1 ° to 180 °. I said that these three angles that get formed on this letter K are below 60 °. If we reduce the zero, there will be three sixes left. Therefore, it is said in the Revelation that the sign of the evil man is 666. What does 666 mean? This is a ship without a rudder. Zero is a movement that goes from behind the ship. This is a propeller, isn't that a wheel that moves behind the ship? The rudder of life stands with this propeller, with this wheel. This 666 is 3 x 6 = 18 - the zero is missing and therefore, the rudder that carries the ship is missing. If this ship keeps its strength and has no rudder to guide the way, there will always be accidents in life.

I say: All people who do not have a rudder are bad. Some tell me, "He's a bad man." I say. He has no rudder. How can this person get righted? - By giving him a rudder, and in human language this means: educate his will, create a will in this person. When I say "create a will", the word "will" is again a formula for me. Here 6 means the logic in life, to be able to think correctly and succeed in all your work, to be happy. Meek people are those who have a logical mind, who succeed in all their endeavours, and are always happy. There are no dissatisfactions in their souls, and they are not greedy for any wealth, because the whole earth is theirs. They are people who do not believe in private property and do not crave for it. Private property is the devil's greatest invention.

I am not talking about the state, but about the two brothers in England, whom their father left some property to and who began to divide it. One remains the heir in a straight line, takes everything, and the other - nothing. Someone may be deprived of their property, but when? When there is no rudder, when there is no will. He may give it under the tutelage of his guardians. I define the letter P with the number 70. It means great science. A scientist creates a certain theory and it becomes a science; another one comes and creates a new theory, and thus overthrows the old one; and so new theories emerge every day. A science that changes is not a science, but a performance. In this science, the basis is the virtue and the values are absolute, unchanging, they are mathematically determined. This number 70 contains the word grace, i.e. all those conditions under which a person can develop.

The letter O is the number 50 and means the human head. Let me dwell on this letter O. You are all scholars, many of you have graduated from high school, and some have higher education. Assume that through this O, by lowering its diameter through the centre, the sphere will be divided into two parts. If you rotate this circle around its axis - what will be formed? A sphere will be formed, will it not? However, imagine that you put another axis on this circle and the circle rotates around its centre and diameter at the same time, and if you put one point in this circle that moves in two directions, can you calculate, after one minute of movement where would this point be if it made 1000 revolutions per minute around its circle and at the same time revolved around its diameter? This point will go around the surface of the whole sphere, you will see zigzags and you will wonder what this phenomenon is. This phenomenon stems from the fact that the circle rotates around its diameter simultaneously. So the human head also moves around itself and then around the heart. They are both a movement. Then the letter O means liberation. A woman is pregnant, gives birth; so she is released. You hate someone, but then you love them; two people reconcile or forgive someone, it is still the letter O. Only in the letter O can you forgive, i.e, when you have a head. People who do not have a head cannot forgive. Someone says, "I can't forgive." I say: You have no head. - "But for me this is impossible." I say: You don't have a head, work done.

The third thing in the letter O is freedom. Only those people who have a well-shaped head, a brain, only such people, only such a home, only such societies, men, women, children and friends can be free. A head, a head is required here! Bulgarians often call themselves "head" - the head of the family, the head of a party, etc. Yes, your head should not be made of flakes, it should not be made of onion. So, the letter O has 9 qualities of meekness. The number 90, I say, is a negative value, i.e the meek person is always ready to pay his debts, there is no need to send him red sheets. He comes just in time to pay off his debts. If he insults you, he will punish himself. He will not say that others are wrong, but he will say: "I am guilty, I am that musician, I am not allowed to take false tones. "I, who have a developed mind and hearing should take these tones absolutely correctly and well". Therefore, the meek person self-punishes himself in order to rectify himself. And he punishes himself not for himself, but for others. And I will tell you what this punishment is. When the meek man sees that that a man's field is not plowed, harnesses the oxen and plows it. This is his suffering for the good of his neighbour. When such a meek man, whose bag is full, meets someone who is hungry, he takes off his bag and feeds his neighbour. If the meek person is a teacher when students make mistakes, he knows how to correct them. When he meets blind people, he does not think, but opens their eyes. This means the letter T. The letter T means to reconcile the mind and the heart in yourself. Men and women will have to find a common ground, to reconcile.

When some match a boy or a girl, did they find out that they matched? When a girl got married, the rooster began to sing, and she told him, "Don't sing, as they can marry you too." Modern marriage is similar to the marriage of John Wesley, a religious reformer in England, who married and three days later said to his friend, "It is not worth marrying."

We have the number 800, which means victory, state and Kingdom of God. The number 800 means victory over evil. Christ says to the meek, "Fear not, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom". So, what qualities do you see in a meek person? We have 16 qualities. Adding 1 + 6 = 7 - the number of completeness. The meek person can rest in peace on Sunday. Sunday is a day of light, and Saturday is a day of the darkness. The Saturday means that evolution has completed its cycle and there are no conditions. And Sunday shows the first day of this Divine awakening. When someone says, "It is good to celebrate Sunday and the Sabbath," I say, "When you die, you will have to celebrate the Sabbath, and when you are resurrected - the Sunday." That is right. This is the huge difference between the Saturday and Sunday.

In your opinion, which day should be celebrated? If you die, you will celebrate the Sabbath, if you are being born - Sunday, which is the day of light. Isn't it right that on Friday evening and Saturday, Christ sat in the tomb, and on Sunday he went out of his rest. Therefore, Christ recognises the Sabbath, and then they began to celebrate the Sunday. We, the modern cultural people need to celebrate Sunday. What about those who have entered into the grave? I do not believe in people who have not entered into the grave, who have not descended into hell to bring out their brother. Going to hell is an art, and in the paradise everyone knows. Everyone loves the beautiful girl, when he sees her, he says: "How beautiful she is!" - and he starts to flatter ; but, sir, to carry her inside your belly. You will say, "I don't want to be a woman!" He who cannot be a woman and give birth, cannot be a man. He who is not able to give birth, he doesn't deserve to lead this beautiful girl. The meekness speaks that. This is how you need to understand the deep modern philosophy of life if you want to build a society that is firmly based on these laws. The current laws have been good for their time, but they have become obsolete.

Don't get me wrong. If you connect a beetle with a thread, it cannot be released. This thread is moral for this beetle. However, if you connect an elephant to your thread, do you think that this thread will restrain the elephant? Therefore, it would be very foolish to say that the elephant has not obeyed some law of the thread and is breaking it. A law that is broken is not a law. Therefore, you must have laws that do not break. The elephant needs a thick rope so that when it comes, it can stop and say, "This is a law, I stop with reverence." A law that cannot bring respect in you is a ridicule. The current laws must be such that people are equally subject to, i.e. not to be threads.

What is morality? I have quoted this anecdote another time too. In the realm of spiders, the newspaper journalists gave the news that a large elephant was marching in their country. All the engineers came together to decide what to do, and finally came to the following decision: to criss cross all the streets with ropes and they covered thousands of kilometres. However, the elephant hurried past this web, and they began to calculate what a disturbance they had made inside the elephant. What shock can a cobweb produce in an elephant? He has felt nothing.

Someone says, "The old." "What's old?" "Only the truth is old." Anything that breaks like a cobweb is not old age, but a shadow of things. Christ says, "The meek shall inherit the Earth." The Earth, in this sense, implies all the conditions under which man develops. The letter 3 means a number that does not recognise any laws. The word "зло"(evil)", as it is written in Bulgarian with three letters, means that it does not obey any laws. This is the evil. All forces, therefore, which do not obey any laws, we call them chaos in life. You shout, get angry and say, "I have become nervous." I say: You have become evil, you live without law, you cannot control the forces that are inside you. What if a singer takes wrong tones? They will tell him, "You are not a singer, you do not know the inner law of music. The ox, the donkey, and the hen can sing like you. "Modern people want to be moralists, to get on the Divine stage.

H2O - this is water. (We understood.) However, did you understand what elements water contains? H2O is sometimes pure and sometimes has some impurities. If it went through the human body and came out, would it be pleasant to you? The water that comes out of the mountain spring is needed, but the water that comes out of the human factory for which this H2O works every day is not needed. Every doctor will say that distillation must be done to remove all these sediments.

There are certain people who are not meek. The meek man does not lose his balance for a moment. Do you have in mind that the path we are taking in this world is not a wide one? It is narrow, thin as a thread. It takes great art to keep one's balance. You must have the composure of that American who crossed Niagara Falls by running a rope over it. This gentleman passed with his pole on the rope from one shore to the other. This shows that he has self-control, because if at some point he loses self-control, he will go into the waves of Niagara Falls.

The world is a waterfall. You want to be heroes outside, on the shore, but if you go over the waterfall on the rope, then I will tell you that you are excellent heroes who keep your balance in life. The man comes in the evening and makes a noise, the woman doesn't know how to convey it. "Last night," she says, "my husband got a little drunk, he came in and opened such mouth that I couldn't sleep for two or three hours." I say: After having climbed this thin rope, your man has lost his balance and sank in Niagara Falls. When you say you will be meek, then be a man and boldly cross the Niagara Falls. They say to the man: "Be a man! Get a little angry, show your anger!" Yes, but you will be upside down in Niagara Falls.

The meek girl begins to be taught. "Don't be so stupid as to keep your balance, but try to go down." Sometimes she frowns at her beloved, and when you look they have both quarrelled. - "What evil has happened! Our Ivan and Stoyanka have quarrelled!" I say: Your Ivan and Stoyanka lost their balance on top of the rope and have fallen into Niagara Falls. What philosophy is there to think about? So, life has meaning.

Let me now give you an example from the past of humanity.

In ancient times, there were two kingdoms. The king of one of the kingdoms was a very clever and meek man, and of the other a very cruel man. The meek king had two sons, an older and a younger one. On his deathbed, he made the following will, according to which he left the kingdom to one son and a flute (Bulgarian whistle) to the other but under the condition that whoever took the latter should leave the kingdom. The two brothers were obliged, after the death of their father, to draw lots and whoever drew the whistle to leave the kingdom. The father died. They draw lots and, in fact, the younger brother gets the whistle. He picks it up and travels the world with the whistle. However, the elder brother did not allow him to take anything with him. The elder brother put on the crown and remained to reign in the place of his father. The younger one entered the other kingdom of the cruel king. The king needed a shepherd. He had sheep with golden fleece, but he was so cruel that the shepherd who lost one of his sheep was sent into exile, to eternal imprisonment. The king's son went, introduced himself as a shepherd and started playing his whistle. All the wolves, as he began to play, stopped and lost their desire to eat sheep. When the king ordered someone to be executed, by leading him through this place, the guards released the convict at the sound of the whistle and said: "Let the man live, let's play!" Wherever he drove his herd to, all the wolves began to lose their cruelty. When he goes through a prison and plays, all the prisoners play games and there is brotherhood and equality everywhere. The king heard of him and said, "Who is this vagabond who corrupts my people and does not do my will?" He went to him to punish him. As he approached, the shepherd began to play and the king began to play. He realised that there was something else in the world. "Come, son, to my palace. I have a daughter. You are the man who must rule, and you will play to my people, make them happy and will turn over a new page."

So, I say: Tune your whistle, that flute of yours or that whistle of meekness, so that when you start playing, and wolves, and guards, and prisoners, everyone will start playing and say: "It can be lived in another way. " Understand me correctly. What I am telling you cannot happen by force. That hungry man needs to be fed. And what is the most important for a hungry person? "The bread." And what is the most important for the thirsty person? - The water. What is the most important for that offended soul? - That love that can be shown in a given moment. If anyone is desperate, stop with your whistle and play to him. I would use those verbs: feed, water, teach, preach, etc.

And now I ask: Have you gone to church? The church, this is our soul, and our heart, this is the great altar that we must play with this whistle to, and the Lord will say, "You are the man who will inherit the earth." I would like every Bulgarian to have this whistle, so that when he plays, whoever wherever they are can start playing. When you are played to with this whistle and when you hear it, you can play because sometimes you play to other whistles. There is a difference from game to game. A child starts playing, making noise and fuss around him. He is not playing to the sounds of this Divine whistle.

Christ says, "The meek shall inherit the Earth," that is, those meek people who understand these great laws; the forces that function in the world are not far away too. I say: That shepherd, the king's son, comes with his whistle. He will not come with a sword, rifles or explosives. You will hear his whistle in the distance and when he starts playing with it, there will be playing, jumping, all will live in a brotherly way - men, women, children, animals. Can you turn that fictitious whistle and give it that inner, real meaning? Can you turn it into a formula? I can't speak to you more clearly than that. If I start explaining the word "meekness", there are 16 forces in it that have different states. Do you know what to do in the first hour after waking up? What should you do the second, third, fourth and other hours of the day? Do you know, that every hour of the day has an exact, mathematically determined job. It is as definite as when a great virtuoso is playing with his violin, must take exactly every single note. If you miss just one note, lacuna could immediately be felt.

Therefore, life is a great Divine play, for the performance of which we have come to earth. Some say, "I live"; you are not living yet, you are just practising. When you take your pipe or your flute, everyone around you will have to feel good and light. When you learn to play so well, you will be able to pour your thought, your grace over people. I have made experiments, and so far this law has not deceived me.

Once I was walking half a kilometre from the Varna coast and I felt that somewhere two young people were making love. Their thoughts and feelings had filled the whole space for a while. Indeed, I go down the shore and see these young people cooing to each other. I go further and see Rouen ducks. I project my thought on them and as though someone seems to be telling me, "I'm going to take a rock and hit them." I don't stop in order to do that. I watch these Rouen ducks and see that they are already half a kilometre away from me, because they have accepted my thought. I continue on my way and see another group Rouen ducks. I send them a good thought that there is good food for them on the shore. I stop and see that all of them have perceived my thought and are rushing to the shore. These are facts that ascertain that animals can perceive our good and bad thoughts. When you meet a dog, it looks at you and understands your hidden intentions, and understands what you intend to do with it. I have observed how a dog looks at me when it encounters me. It looks at me carefully, tests me, but I tell him: Don't be afraid, I won't do anything to you. I am from the new culture. - "hope it comes sooner, because we suffer from these uncultured people who pass by us, take a stone and throw on top of us." - This is not an allegory, but a fact. This is how you treat each other. You meet a friend and immediately attack him with bad thoughts. We must treat all people well, because what comes out of our heart is a great powerful force that simultaneously builds and destroys. We alone destroy our own happiness. We are the people before whom God builds the world for the future. So don't expect other people to come. We who live on earth are able to build and destroy our lives. Each of you is called to a great work. You say to yourself, "We are called to great things." Therefore, you go up to the designated place and you begin to command from the height of your position. In this situation you look like the Bulgarian who after the Liberation began to look for a job. He went here and there, submitted applications, but everywhere he was told, "This job is not for you." He was looking for an easy job. One day, while walking in the garden, he saw the conductor waving a wand and all the orchestra players playing. He stopped, thought, and said, "Here's a job I'm looking for - to be light and pleasant." He applied for this job because it seemed to him that there was no easier job than managing people. However, it's a great art to manage people. You have to understand the mind, heart and soul of these people. You have to understand their everyday thought and feeling and only then to raise the wand, according to the tact, and there are different tacts. Keys - also different. And now we all want to become ministers in Bulgaria.

Doesn't anyone mind? If you understand this art, I will be the first to vote for you. If anyone, even a child, understands this art and picks up the wand when needed, I will vote for him.

We will all be bandmasters and this inner wave, which will lift us up will begin to form. This is the inner meaning of the words: "to be meek and kind." And now a long time is needed to argue with people whether there is a God or not. I have a lot of evidence to prove this to you, to justify it, with these great attempts to bring all those forces to pass through your hearts. You are waiting for everything ready from your father that he delivers you money to go where you want. You can check these things by yourself, but for this all the cells that have not yet been awakened will have to be woken up in your brain. The cells that make up your mind are asleep. The higher spiritual, religious cells are still asleep and you are waiting to be given something ready. Do not rely on your father's inheritance, I hope you receive one hundred or two hundred thousand levs, to buy a car, go for walks, to balls and concerts, to spend a happy and carefree life and say: "I am a rich man." However, you are poor. Your Heavenly Father has left you what you need and tells you, "You will make a living with hard work and sweat on your forehead."

And do you know what it means to get a drop out of your forehead? I respect every person who earns a living with sweat on his forehead. Doctors cause a patient to sweat in order to cure him. In order for all the impurities of the heart and mind to be expelled, for fresh water to come into the world, sweating must take place. It is said of someone, "Poor man, he has got sweaty!" - No, pity that man who has never sweated in his life. Sweating is a very good thing. What should we do when we sweat? Throw off your shirt and change. If you are a passenger, throw off your shirt, put on your coat, wash your shirt and wait a few hours for it to dry, then put it on. Don't wait for it to dry on your back so that your sweat doesn't return to your body. Today's people say, "Let's perceive the old thoughts, which we have had in life. This means to dry the old sweat with our warmth. What will we gain? This old sweat will send you to the other world. You will gain a minus with this, not a plus, because the plus is a movement upwards, and the minus - movement downwards.

You say of someone, "He went to the other world." I ask: What was in front of him, what sign: plus or minus? - "Minus." "And then he did go indeed to the other world, but he is just down there, so don't look for him up." You need to understand the four arithmetic operations. You understand addition because each of you can add two quantities, for example, add five and six. How much are they equal to? Five add six is equal to eleven. Can you gather two good people in one place, if you understand and know how to add? Can you bring together a good girl and a good guy and the total to be even? If we can add up, we must add all our thoughts and desires.

If I ask you what subtraction is, where you find it in nature, you will probably say, "We know what subtraction is, we've studied it in schools." I ask: Can you apply this art? - When you sow a seed, it first starts with the subtraction, it takes its steps down into the ground. Then comes the process of reproduction - when it branches, it ties its classes. Finally comes the division - when the wheat grains separate from the stalks, they fall down into the ground. These actions - addition, subtraction, multiplication and division - take place every day in our lives. Often you take a thought out of your head, but it is important whether that thought is good or bad. If I take mouldy bread out of my head and give it to someone poor, is that a subtraction? A first-class ignorant man is this one who takes mouldy bread out of his bag. You say: "Our Master teaches us to put the minus sign in front of the actions when subtracting. "While I teach differently. Namely, you will put the plus sign and you will subtract again. Well, when you lend money to someone and take the interest, your money is multiplied with this - is this multiplication? Multiplication is when you multiply the number of good people, when you reconcile people who quarrel. This can be done by the meek people who will come into the world.

Don't think you are meek people. You are meek people, but you can learn if you have the ability to be so. And it doesn't take much time for a student, an artist, a musician or a Christian. Five or six years are enough to learn this art. How will you apply meekness? When you return home, if you are in a bad mood, say to yourself, "I am a meek person," that is, you must think logically, you must seek success in your work, and you must be happy.

I will explain the word "щастие"(happiness), as it is written in Bulgarian, in the following way. The letter Щ is formed by the letters Ш (sh) and T. Two letters are lowered down in the letter Т, and in the letter Ш there are three lines, which together with the first two form the human hand, which we release down. Therefore, your hand must be ready for your happiness. The letter A means the human nose, i.e. your will must be strong, meek and the mind must be united with your will. The letter C, this is the moon, which constantly forms this law of changes. By putting C on T, you will make a boat. Therefore, you will put all the wealth that you acquire through your will on yourself, which is your heart. And so, a happy man is this one who can harness his mind to work together with his will, ie to harness the male and female principle together and put them in his boat, and thus manage his life. If he doesn't know how to do that, he'll say, "What a fate took place, we are both slaves." I say to this: Excellent poetry. As soon as one harnesses his mind and his heart to work together, he will say, "What a destiny happened, we are both happy."

If I take Bulgarian poetry and translate it in my own way, everything will come out opposite to what the poet sang and wrote. Some read and wonder how the poet could have written such things, where these things come to his mind. No mind, no art is required for this thing. What art is required of this if I take a hammer and hit a bottle or a pitcher? I would like to make this bottle, this pitcher, not make holes in them. Modern people only make holes. I watch some people dig holes and ask them: Why are you digging these holes? - "We don't know, they pay for holes." A lot of holes! There is a surplus of holes in the world. It must be sown now. Put seeds already in these holes, plant trees in order to form a beautiful paradise garden. When you fall into one of these holes and break your leg, you will say, "What a fate, to be both slaves. "While when you plant beautiful fruit trees in these holes that when giving you fruit, you will eat from them and say:" What a destiny has come, to be both happy, and eat together. "The latter is now prose.

Christ says: " the meek will inherit the earth. I know that you are meek people, I can prove this, only from the outside it seems that you are not meek.

Thus at one time the saints wore clothes with thorns from the outside, so that the devil would not pay attention to them and tempt them. They protected themselves from him with their thorns. And you wear such robes from the outside, which do not disclose you as meek people, and therefore, the words "push him a little" are often heard between you. In this respect, you resemble this woman who used to constantly push her husband, no matter what he did. Whatever he said, no matter how he was, she constantly nagged him, she always poked him. He was always patient at home, but one day they were invited to visit their godparents, where a very nice lunch was prepared - a nicely roasted turkey with a nice old wine and he relaxed a bit. His wife followed him all the time, and when she was dissatisfied with him, she poked him. He couldn't stand it and said to her, "Well, you overdid it. It is not enough that you are poking me at home but you do the same here. Modern people say," Let's poke this man a little, he should stop eating, let him be moral. "Leave this man, let him eat and drink.

The evil is not in eating and drinking, but in the misunderstanding of life, by thinking that if we eat a lot and become fat, we will be fine. Some parents say, "Let's feed our daughter well, let her be as full as the moon." Well, God didn't make you become like the moon. Why not say that you want to become like the sun and shine like it. Here is our delusion, by thinking that everything lies in fullness, in becoming the moon. It is written in the original language we must become sons of God, ie to carry such lights, which to build, to bring life and joy everywhere on earth through. Do you know what the moon is? If you are like the moon, you will be sentenced to death. The moon is a canal, which all the impurities of the Earth pass through. And you want to resemble with this canal. However, there is neither any sense in this, nor any philosophy.In the future, never say again that you want your daughter to become like the moon, but wish her to become bright like the sun, or at the very least like the early star Venus. If you wish her to be like the moon, she is doomed. Today's people go for a walk on the moon, watch it, but do not know that it corrupts them. As you pass by an unclean place, your sense of smell is spoiled by the great smells.However, if you want to clear up, walk on clean, high mountain places. When you make a mistake, turn to the moon and say, "Moonlight, teach me how to throw my sins away, how to get them out so that I can also be cleansed in this way." When you observe the sun, say, "Oh, bright sun, clear sun, when I look at your virtues, show me the way as to how I can also manifest my hidden virtues and develop them in myself. "And you stand and reflect on what Kant, Hegel, and others have said, and you say to yourself," Well, that's a deep work. "

Yes - a, b, c; this is a relative value. However, do you know how many things are hidden in this: a, b, c?

Incorporate the word "meekness" into yourself and do not think of it as you have thought by now and in the past. It is a great word, which you must build the future culture of the Earth on. If Bulgarians want God to bless them and bless the land which they live in, they must write: "The meek will inherit the Earth." We are meek, we believe in meekness and therefore we will inherit the Earth. The qualities of the meek man are as follows: he cuts boils, but not heads; he cuts off with his knife all sorrow from you and frees you from it.

All of you who listen to me are meek people. Therefore, when you return home, take off your old clothes. Today I am very generous, I will give all of you a suit - I sign this. Therefore, when you return to your homes, put on these new clothes that I am giving you.

As you listen to me, you say to yourself, "Are you really saying this or just like that?" "I'm really telling you." I say: I love you, and it's over. Why not? Do not hesitate. Finish with the old master. Everyone, men and women and children, tune your flute, play so that everyone jumps up and plays. When you return home and sing, "What a destiny took place, both of us to be slaves," it shows that you are still serving the old culture. From now on you will sing to the new culture, as I translate. "What a fate took place so that both of us to be happy" When we play to the new culture, love will come too, because all forces are invested in this playing. As soon as this playing is heard, all beings will start to play and the earth itself will commence playing. Do you know why earthquakes sometimes happen? There are good people on earth who when they start playing their flutes, they make the earth play so much that it begins to throw out its inner matter in the form of lava and says, "Down, down the old clothes, throw away your old houses, get out of prisons, open your windows!"

When your hut is collapsed, thank God and say, "Thank you, God, for helping me to get out of this ruined house." Look at the birds, which as they get up in the morning, they begin to thank and praise God with their singing. And when you get up, you start: "What a fate took place that we are both slaves." Or: This woman of mine will tire my life. "No, she will not tire you, she brings her own happiness, she was the number 13 in you and at the time she caused you bigger trouble, and now she is out of you. Once upon a time, before Eve appeared, the man had 13 ribs, but God took one of the ribs out of him, the thirteenth, and said to Adam, "Be careful with the number 13, it is both the number of righteousness and evil in the world." The number 19 is the moon. Women, take no offence for you must know that before, the moon was as bright as the sun but now it is extinct, it is dead. There will come a time when it will come to life again.

Someone says, "My beloved is a whole moon." I say: You will never satisfy your moon, it constantly gets full and empty. - "And what should I do?" - When she becomes like the sun, there will come a time when you will live in the image and likeness of God and you will be joyful and merry. Do not take offence, because I do not think that all men are men and all women are women.

To clarify my point, I will give the following example. An ancient king had a very beautiful daughter who he kept from all temptation. He ordered his sages to invent such thin and fine suits to change every day, but the material should be so natural that no one would suspect that she was dressed. Everyone who met the king's daughter kissed her. They began to say to the king, "We met your daughter, someone was kissing her." "None of this, he only kissed the outer shell, but no one has kissed her soul, no one has seen the king's daughter." The outerwear can be kissed by everyone, but when it comes to the soul, there are other rules there. I know the king's daughter differently from how she is disguised now. Some say, "Don't you know how beautiful my daughter is?" "No, she's not your daughter yet." Do you know that she is the thirteenth rib? A guy marries a girl, but their life is not going well. Why? Because he took another one and put her between his ribs, but she didn't fit. Then God says, "It is not this woman who is made of you." - "Yes, but the priest married us." - "Regardless, the marriage is not from God." When people began to marry in a way not ordained by God, death was created to execute people so that they could find their half and set it up. If we do not find our half the first time, we will look for it a second time; if we do not find it even then, we will look for it a third time, until we finally find it.- "Yes, but the priest married us." - "Nothing, she is not from God." When people began to marry as God had not ordained, death was created to execute people so that they could find their half and set it up. If we do not find our half the first time, we will look for it a second time; if we do not find it even then, we will look for it a third time, until we finally find it.

Someone says, "My wife is a whole queen." "She may be a queen, she may be a scholar, but she is not your soulmate." Only when our eyes are opened, only then will we know our loved ones and love them. And that will be when we become meek people. The Earth - that is the meek woman. The meek man who follows the law of God will inherit the Earth. This is implied by Christ's words, "The meek shall inherit the Earth." Whatever you are, if you do not serve this law, you cannot inherit the Earth. Therefore, only through meekness will you inherit this meek earth and understand these laws that are now being revealed.

I cast my thoughts as the sun its rays, and everyone will perceive them as his soul desires, and will create with them as much as the art of his soul is, and everyone will dress as his taste requires. I don't want everyone to be the same. Everyone can be meek in different ways. One may be as meek as a carnation, another as meek as a rose, as a violet, but all be meek. This is what the king's son plays with his flute: "Diu - diu - diu, the meek will inherit the Earth. Diu - diu - diu!" The Bulgarian flute (kavakl) says: "The pure in heart will inherit the Earth - diu - diu - diu."

This is how the Bulgarian bagpipe or the Bulgarian flute will play and the Bulgarian will raise his hands up and play.

Raising your hands up means you will have to bloom. Both hands are the man and the woman. Men and women, unite now, give your hands. How do you shake hands? Place the bottom of your hand on the bottom of your friend's hand and place your thumb on top. The lower part of the hand is the female principle, and the big finger that you put on top is the male principle. The handshake means that in the name of God you will do that. We women, ie the law of Love, by intertwining with the law of Wisdom, will free the world from the present slavery. So, with each handshake, invest your thought in: "So, brother, let's start with Love and Wisdom and intertwine them, so that God may bless us." This is how I want all Bulgarians to greet eachother. When they meet, to say to each other: "Welcome, brother, in the name of God's Love, Wisdom and Truth!"

25th January 1921, Sunday

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