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For many years the Master Peter Dounov taught in Bulgaria, and during this time was able to publish over five hundred books. His purpose was in essence to teach people how they could live a happy life in harmony with Nature's laws. This knowledge throws light on all aspects of life, from the physical to the spiritual. Every aspect of life presented by the Master in his lectures is an analysis of form, content and meaning. Addressing the problems of life, he explained in detail the methods, laws and principles governing Nature. This knowledge is of capital importance if we are to understand our relationship to nature and our true place in contemporary life. In one Sunday lecture, the Master says:


Nature endowed us with richness, which she gives to (ill her children. I'he goodness of light, of air. of water, of food, have great benefits if we acknowledge this generosity of Nature and cooperate with her laws.


The Master gives us principles about breathing so we can derive more of the energies of the air for our benefit.


Breathing is a universal process. In the broad sense of the word, according to ancient spiritual science, when the Supreme Intelligence of the Unbounded exhales, he gives birth to a new world. When He inhales, it is the end of the evolutionary cycle of this particular world. In the same broad sense of the word, the earth is a living organism: she breathes. When she inhales, the etlieric energies of the air penetrate deep into her womb. And when she exhales, part of this energy fills the surrounding space.


In this book, however, we are going to speak about the ordinary meaning of breathing.


Today the science of breathing has become very popular. As a result of new knowledge of human anatomy and physiology, breathing has become highly developed. But official science takes the position of treating only the mechanical side of breathing. If we would treat breathing as a primary factor in the physical improvement and spiritual uplifting of man, we have to have an understanding of its inner spiritual side as well, because Nature as a living organism is composed of physical and spiritual realities.


In Europe and America, the Hindu methods of breathing are very well known. We would like to emphasize that in some eras, when nations were in an involutionaiy (downward) trend of development, they used methods which we cannot use in our time because we are in an evolutionary (upward) trend. This is why the ancient Hindu methods of breathing are not suitable for the European or American organism. Here is some enlightenment from the Master regarding this problem:


When I speak about deep breathing, I have no intention of recommending the breathing exercises of the ancient Hindus. They have their own special exercises, but they are not applicable to our European organisms. If Europeans apply the old Hindu method of breathing, they will encounter some difficulty. My advice is to try to breathe deeply with rhythm and ease.


Whatever is written in these pages is only an introduction to the Master's teaching about breathing. Our purpose is to introduce to our readers the elementary, basic principles of breathing. We think they are sufficient for everybody to benefit.


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